Home Page for John F. Gunion
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Phone: 530 219 7316 (cell)
Fax: 530 752 4717
Email: jfgunion@ucdavis.edu
Address: Department of Physics,
University of California at Davis, Davis CA 95616
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Contents of this home page
of Muon Collider Physics", Madison meeting, April, 1999
"Non-Minimal Supersymmetry",
SUSY-99, June, 1999
LBL NLC Meeting,
March 2000: "If light Higgs bosons exist, is the NLC guaranteed to find
2000, Colmar, France, April 2000: "Higgs Physics at Colliders"
RADCOR 2000,
Carmel, September 2000: "Do Precision Electroweak Constraints Guarantee
that the NLC can find at least one Higgs boson of a Type-II 2HDM?"
WORKSHOP, 2000, Fermilab, October 2000: "Do Precision Electroweak Constraints
Guarantee that the NLC can find at least one Higgs boson of a Type-II 2HDM?"
27-28, 2001: "Hiding the Higgs Bosons of the 2HDM and the Necessity for
Giga-Z and/or Higher Energy"
27-28, 2001: "A Discussion of the Decoupling Limit for the 2-Higgs Doublet
COLLIDER HIGGS FACTORY WORKSHOP, UCLA, February 28 -- March 1, 2001: "Muon
Collider Higgs Factory"
PASCOS 2001, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 9 -- 15,
2001: "Hunting the Higgs Boson(s)"
Workshop on the Future of Higgs Physics,
Fermilab, May 3 -- 5, 2001: "Challenges for Higgs Searches"
Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders,
Les Houches, May 21 -- June 1, 2001: "Will at least one Higgs boson
of the NMSSM be observable at LEP2 or the LHC?"
Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders,
Les Houches, May 21 -- June 1, 2001: "BSM Summary, SUSY (theory)"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "Overview of
techniques for determining the CP properties of Higgs bosons
with emphasis on a muon-collider Higgs Factory"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "Phenomenology of Generalized Higgs Boson Scenarios"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "Heavy MSSM Higgs Production at a $\gam\gam$ Collider: Luminosity and Other Issues"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "$e^-e^-$ Collisions and Generalized Higgs Boson Scenarios"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "Muon Collider Motivations"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "Accessing the LHC/LC Higgs Wedge"
Snowmass 2001,
June 30 -- July 21, 2001: "Determining $\tanb$ from H and A total widths"
MUTAC meeting, October 18, 2001, LBL:
"Muon Collider Physics Program"
ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, November 1, 2001, Tsinghua University, Beijing:
"Detecting and Studying Higgs Bosons in Two-Photon Collisions
at a Linear Collider"
Presented at the
4th International Workshop on Electron-Electron Interactions at TeV Energies
(e-e- 01) and at the Linear Collider Workshop, Chicago (January, 2002);
"Unique Physics Probes Using $e^-e^-$, $e^-\gam$ and
$\gam\gam$ Colliders"
Presented at the Chicago Linear Collider Workshop, Chicago (January, 2002);
"Detecting Heavy SUSY Higgs Bosons in Two-Photon Collisions at a Linear
Presented at the Chicago Linear Collider Workshop, Chicago (January, 2002);
"Determination of $\tan\beta$ at a Future $e^+e^-$ Linear Collider"
Presented at WIN '02, Christchurch, New Zealand (January, 2002);
"Extended Higgs Sectors"
Presented at Euro-GDR Conference, IPPP, Durham, England, April 18, 2002;
"Beyond the SM Higgs Boson"
Presented at SUSY02, DESY, June 2002;
"Extended Higgs Scenarios"
Presented at SUSY02, DESY, June 2002;
"The Scalar Sector of the Randall-Sundrum Model"
Presented at LCWS, Jeju, Aug. 27, 2002;
"Using e^+ e^- and photon-photon Collisions to Probe
the Scalar Sector of the Randall-Sundrum Model"
Presented at LCWS, Jeju, Aug. 27, 2002;
"Detecting Higgs Bosons in Two-Photon Collisions"
at a Linear Collider
Presented at LCWS, Jeju, Aug. 27, 2002;
"Higgs sectors in which the only light Higgs is a CP-odd A"
Presented at LCWS, Jeju, Aug. 27, 2002;
"Unique Physics Probes Using $e^-e^-$, $e^-\gam$ and $\gamma\gamma$ Collisions"
(Only the doubly-charged Higgs boson portion of this talk was
given at LCWS, Jeju.)
Presented at the SLAC Photon Collider meeting, SLAC, Nov. 21, 2002;
"Physics Motivations for a Photon-Photon Collider"
A Brief Summary of Unique Physics Probes Using $e^-e^-$ Collisions
Presented at the Fermilab LHC/LC Workshop Meeting, FNAL, Dec. 12, 2002;
"Essential Motivations for a Photon-Photon Collider and Complementarity
to LHC/LC".
Presented at PASCOS 2003, Tata Institute, Mumbai, Jan. 4, 2003;
"Higgs bosons in the Standard Model, the MSSM and beyond".
Presented at Les Houches LHC/LC Workshop, Les Houches, June 2, 2003;
"LHC/LC Complementarity in Probing the Scalar Sector
of the Randall-Sundrum Model".
Presented at Les Houches LHC/LC Workshop, Les Houches, June 3, 2003;
"Progress Towards a No-Lose Theorem for NMSSM Higgs
Discovery at the LHC and LC Complementarity".
Presented at SUSY 2003, Tucson, Arizona, June 9, 2003;
"Higgs Bosons in Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions".
Presented at the Gamma-Gamma Collider Video Conference, June 26, 2003;
"LHC/$\gam C$ Complementarity in Probing
the Scalar Sector of the Randall-Sundrum Model".
Presented at the American Linear Collider Workshop, July 13, 2003;
"LHC and $\gam C$ Probes of
the Scalar Sector of the Randall-Sundrum Model."
Presented at AHEP2003, Valencia, Spain, October 17, 2003;
"Exotic Higgs Scenarios: Updates and New Ideas."
Presented at ALCPG 2004, SLAC, January 9, 2004;
"NMSSM Higgs Detection: LHC, LC, $\gam$C Complementarity and $h\to aa$ decays"
Presented at LCWS 2004, Paris, France, April 20, 2004;
"Unique Physics Probes Using an e-e- Collider"
Presented at LCWS 2004, Paris, France, April 21, 2004;
"The Importance of photon-photon Collider Probes in addition to LHC/LC for Unraveling the Scalar Sector of the Randall-Sundrum Model"
Presented at LCWS 2004, Paris, France, April 21, 2004;
"NMSSM Higgs Detection: LHC, LC, gammaC Complementarity and
h->aa Decays"
Presented at SUSY 2004, Tsukuba, Japan, June 18, 2004;
"Higgs Physics in the NMSSM"
Presented at SUSY 2004, Tsukuba, Japan, June 18, 2004;
"Probing Extra Dimensions by Invisible Higgs decays at the LHC and a future LC"
Presented at the Victoria Linear Collider Workshop, Victoria, Canada, July 29, 2004;
"Precision Electroweak Data and the Mixed Radion-Higgs Sector"
Presented at the Victoria Linear Collider Workshop, Victoria, Canada, July 29, 2004;
"Review of NMSSM Higgs and ADD-Invisible Higgs Phenomenologies"
Presented at CPNSH Meeting, CERN, December 2, 2004;"News from the NMSSM and Beyond"
Presented at the TeV4LHC Higgs group meeting, Fermilab, December 13, 2004;"NMSSM Tevatron/LHC Scenarios: Motivation and Phenomenology"
Presented at the Aspen Winter Conference on High Energy
Physics, February 18, 2005; "Higgs Bosons in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Model"
Presented at US CMS EMU Meeting at UC Davis, February 25, 2005; "(NMSSM) Higgs Bosons at the LHC"
Presented at the LHC/ILC Collaboration Meeting, SLAC, March 23, 2005; "LHC/ILC Complementarity for NMSSM Higgs Bosons"
Presented at SUSY 2005, IPPP, Durham, England, July 22, 2005;
"Avoiding fine-tuning in the NMSSM: theoretical
and experimental implications"
Presented at Snowmass 2005, Snowmass, CO, August 17, 2005;
"The NMSSM Higgs Sector"
Presented at Snowmass 2005, Snowmass, CO, August 23, 2005;
"Dark Matter from Light Neutralinos and CP-odd Higgs
Bosons in the NMSSM and the ILC"
Presented at the Aspen 2005 Workshop, Aspen, CO, August 24, 2005;
"LHC/ILC Synergy"
Presented at the TeV4LHC Workshop, Fermilab, October 20, 2005;
"Updates on Higgs and Dark Matter in the NMSSM"
Presented at the Manchester Workshop on the Future of Forward Physics
at the LHC, Manchester, December 11, 2005;
"LEP and NMSSM Motivations for the Dominance of h->aa->4tau
Decays and LHC/ILC Implications"
Presented at the LHC/ILC Meeting, CERN, December 13, 2005;
"Impact of Minimal Fine-Tuning NMSSM Scenarios
on LHC/ILC Complementarity"
Presented at the 4th CPNSH Meeting, CERN, December 15, 2005;
"New Developments in the NMSSM"
Presented at the SLAC Theory Seminar, January 11, 2006;
"Motivation and Evidence for the h->aa NMSSM Higgs Scenario"
Presented at the Mitchell Symposium Texas A&M, April 10, 2006;
"New Developments in the NMSSM and Implications for
Presented at KITP, Santa Barbara, April 28, 2006;
"Why we should believe in the NMSSM"
Presented at Galileo Galilei Institute, Johns Hopkin's conference on "What lies beyond
the Standard Model?", Firenze, Italy, June 7, 2006;
"One good answer: the NMSSM with a SM-like Higgs
at 100 GeV"
Presented at the Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop, University of
British Columbia, July 19, 2006;
"The NMSSM h->aa Scenario"
Presented at the Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop, University of
British Columbia, July 22, 2006;
"Terascale Physics Summary"
Presented at the DPF Joint Meeting of Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 31, 2006;
"The NMSSM h -> aa Decay Scenario and the
Elimination of Fine-Tuning"
Presented a the 2nd International Workshop on B Factories and New
Measurements (BNM2006II), Nara, Japan, December 19, 2006;
"Probing the NMSSM h->aa Decay Scenario
in Upsilon Decays"
Presented at the Aspen 2007 Winter Conference, January 9, 2007;
"Higgs Signals:
The Proliferation of Known Unknowns"
Presented at the SLAC BaBar Collaboration Meeting, March 1, 2007;
"Strong Circumstantial Evidence for the
Next-To-Minimal Supersymmetric Model with
a light CP-odd $a$ and $\br(\Upsilon\to\gamma a)>10^{-7}$"
Presented at the workshop "The LHC Early Phase for the ILC", Fermilab,
April 12, 2007;
"Extra/Exotic Higgs Decays"
Presented at Pheno-2007 "Prelude to the LHC", Madison, Wisconsin, May 9, 2007;
"ILC in the LHC Era"
Presented at the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, June 9,
2007: ``Mass Determination in SUSY-like Events with Missing Energy''
Presented at ``The 7th International Conference on Particle
Physics Phenomenology'', National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 10, 2007, ``Beyond the Standard Model
and Collider Physics: the LHC Era and its impact on the ILC''
Presented at the CERN PhenClub as part of the ``Workshop on
LHC-Cosmology Interplay'', Geneva, July 12, 2007, and at CMS
Physics Week, CERN, Geneva,
July 15,2007: ``A new technique for
SUSY mass determination''
Presented at the 2007 Europhysics Conference on High Energy
Physics, Manchester, England, July 21, 2007, and at SUSY 2007, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 28, 2007: ``Mass Determination in
SUSY-like Events with Missing Energy''
Presented at the BaBar Workshop on Higgs and Exotics, SLAC, October
29, 2007, ``Higgs Theory Overview: Why it is important to
search for $\Upsilon\to\gam+Higgs$.''
Presented at the 5th Mancheser Forward Physics Workshop, Manchester,
England, December 9, 2007: ``Central Exclusive Higgs
Production and the NMSSM.''
Presented at the Workshop on Scalar Mesons, Lisbon, Portugal,
February 15, 2008: ``New (and Old) Perspectives on Higgs Physics.''
Presented at the Muon Collider Workshop, Fermilab,
March 5, 2008: ``Remarks on Muon Collider Physics.''
Presented at the Joint Theory/CMS Seminar, Fermilab,
March 6, 2008: ``Accurate Mass Determination in SUSY-like Events with Missing Energy."
Presented at Davis Higgs Workshop, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA,
March 8, 2008: ``Remarks on $h\to aa\to 4b$ and $h\to aa\to 2\tau 2b$.''
Presented at the KITP Conference on Anticipating Physics at the LHC, June 3, 2008: ``An Ideal Higgs Boson.''
Presented at SUSY08, Seoul, Korea, June 16, 2008: ``Higgs Bosons in the NMSSM and its U(1) Extensions.''
Presented at Fermilab BSM Tevatron/LHC Meeting, September 18, 2008: ``Experimental Probes of a Light CP-Odd Higgs Boson: Tevatron, LHC, Upsilon Decays, Muon g-2.''
Presented at the KITPC LHC workshop, October 21, 2008: ``The Ideal
Higgs Scenario and Experimental Probes of the Associated Light
CP-Odd Higgs Boson.''
Presented at the National Tsinghua University--U.C. Davis Workshop,
December 16, 2008: ``The Ideal Higgs Scenario and Its Reamifications.''
Presented at the Workshop on Higgs Boson Phenomenology, Zurich,
January 9, 2009: ``The Ideal Higgs Scenario and Its Implications.''
Presented at the CERN LHC to Future Colliders Workshop,
February 2, 2009: ``Non Standard Higgs Decays and Implications.''
MLL Colloquium, Ludfwig-Maximilian-University, Garching, Germany,
April 23, 2009: ``The Elusive Higgs Boson(s)''
Colloquium, Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany,
April 28, 2009: ``The Elusive Higgs Boson(s)''
Plenary talk, Particle Physics and Cosmology, PPC09, Oklahoma University,
May 18, 2009: ``Higgs Hunting Update''
Plenary talk, BSM-LHC/SUSY09, Boston, Massachusetts,
June 4, 2009: ``SUSY and the Ideal Higgs Boson''
Plenary talk, BSM-LHC/SUSY09, Boston, Massachusetts,
June 4, 2009: ``WIMP Mass Determination''
Plenary talk, Workshop onMulti-Higgs Bosons, Lisbon, September 16, 2009: ``Heretical Higgs Bosons(s)''
Presented at the HPS Workshop, CERN, October 2, 2009: ``NMSSM Higgs at the HPS: an update''
Presentation to the CMS Higgs Working Group, CERN, November 3, 2009:
``A Light CP-odd Higgs: Tevatron and LHC Prospects''
LAPTh Seminar, Annecy, November 13, 2009: ``Motivations
and Discovery Propsects for Elusive Higgs Bosons(s)''
University of Freiburg Seminar, November 27, 2009:
``Motivations and Discovery Prospects for Elusive Higgs Boson(s)''
University of Valencia Seminar, January 12, 2009:
``Motivations and Discovery Prospects for Elusive Higgs Boson(s)''
Univ. Autonoma Barcelona, IFAE Colloquium, January 18, 2010:
``The LHC and Beyond''
Invited Plenary Talk at "Quantum Mechanics, Elementary Particles,
Quantum Cosmology and Complexity", Singapore, February 24, 2010:
``The Elusive Higgs Boson(s)''
CERN Seminar, January 22, 2010:
``Update on NMSSM "Ideal Higgs" Scenarios''
Fermilab Seminar, April 7, 2010:
``Update on NMSSM "Ideal Higgs" Scenarios''
Plenary Talk at US CMS Meeting, Brown University, May 8, 2010:
``CMS Prospects for Discovering a light CP-odd Higgs Boson
and NMSSM Implications''
Plenary Talk at MCTP Higgs Workshop, University of Michigan, May 15, 2010:
``Constraints on and Direct Discovery Prospects for the
Light CP-odd Higgs Boson of NMSSM Ideal Higgs Scenarios''
Plenary Talk at West Coast LHC Meeting, U.C. Santa Cruz, May 21, 2010:
``Direct Discovery Prospects for the
Light CP-odd Higgs Boson of NMSSM Ideal Higgs Scenarios''
Plenary Talk at the Higgs Hunting Workshop, Orsay, July 30, 2010:
``New Results for NMSSM Higgs and Dark Matter''
Plenary Talk at PASCOS 2010, Valencia, July 22, 2010:
``New Results for NMSSM Higgs and Dark Matter''
SLAC Topologies Workshop, SLAC, September 22, 2010:
``Higgs Signals for SUSY Models Consistent with CoGeNT/DAMA''
Summary of the U.C. Davis SUSY/Recast Workshop, U.C. Davis, April
8-9, 2011, presented at the LPCC conference on "Status of
Higgs and BSM searches at the LHC", April 13, 2011:
``Report from the "SUSY/Recast Workshop''
Blois Workshop, June 2, 2011:
``Interpretation of Results from Direct Dark Matter Searches''
Saclay seminar, June 6, 2011:
``Higgs in the light of Hadron Collider limits: impact on a
4th generation''
Muon Collider Workshop, June 28, 2011:
``Physics Cases for Muon Colliders -- part I''
Muon Collider Workshop, June 29, 2011:
``Physics Cases for Muon Colliders -- part II''
CERN, LPCC Workshop, August 23, 2011:
``A two-Higgs-doublet interpretation of a small Wjj excess''
Scalars 2011, Warsaw, August 28, 2011:
``The 2HDM at low tan beta: Wjj and gamma gamma signals as
case studies''
Interpretation of LHC Results, TH/LPCC Workshop, September
1, 2011:
``Hidden / Camouflaged Higgs''
Oklahoma University Seminar, October 27, 2011:
``Are there Hidden Higgs Bosons?''
Hadron Collider Physics, November 17, 2011
``Is (are) the Higgs Boson (s) Hidden''
Higgs Working Groups, Orsay, November 17, 2011
``Is (are) the Higgs Boson (s) Hidden''
Grenoble Higgs Workshop, February 2, 2012
``Higgs-Radion Mixing the RS Model and LHC Higgs-like Excesses''
CMS Seminar, February 6, 2012
``Higgs-Radion Mixing and the LHC Higgs-like Excesses''
Linear Collider Forum, DESY, February 7, 2012
``Implications of LHC Higgs-like signals in the
Randall-Sundrum Model context allowing for
higgs-radion mixing''
CERN Theory Group, February 10, 2012
``Higgs-Radion mixing in the Randall Sundrum model
and the LHC Higgs-like excesses''
LHC2TSP, March 27, 2012
``B(SM and MSSM) Higgs bosons consistent with
LHC Hints''
PLANCK12, Warsaw, June 1, 2012
``Implications for BSM Higgs Bosons of LHC > SM Higgs Hints''
CERN Theory seminar, October 16, 2012
``Multiple Higgs Model and the 125 GeV state: NMSSM and 2HDM perspectives''
36th Johns Hopkins Workshop, Galileo Galilei Institute, October 17, 2012
``Multiple Higgs Models and the 125 GeV state: an NMSSM perspective''
University of Pittsburgh, December 4, 2012
``Multiple Higgs Models and the 125 GeV state: NMSSM and 2HDM perspectives''
KITP Higgs Workshop, December 20, 2013
``Multiple Higgs Models and the 125 GeV state: NMSSM and 2HDM perspectives''
Fundamental Physics Symposium in honor of Mike Dine and Howard Haber, January 6, 2013
``Determining the nature of the 126 GeV `Higgs' signal''
CERN BSM Forum, January 24, 2013
``Diagnosing the nature of the 126 GeV `Higgs' signal''
Grenoble Higgs Workshop, March 19, 2013
``Degenerate Higgs bosons at 126 GeV?''
Grenoble Higgs Workshop, March 21, 2013
``Triplet Higgs Scenarios''
Orsay, March 26, 2013
``Diagnosing the Nature of the 125-126 GeV LHC Higgs-like signal''
KITP Snowmass Workshop, May 29, 2013
``Impact of current LHC results on Selected Higgs Scenarios''
Scalars 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 13, 2013
``The Hunt for the BEH (Higgs) Boson''
SUSY at the Near Energy Frontier, Fermilab, November 11, 2013
``The pMSSM Likelihood Approach to CMS Data and Implications Thereof''
Aspen Winter Conference, January 20, 2014
``Higgs Bosons: Present and Future"
Pascos2014, Warsaw, June 23, 2014
``Physics (and experiment) at the Crossroads"
Pascos2014, Warsaw, June 23, 2014
``Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model"
Benasque Workshop, After the Discovery:
Hunting for a Non-Standard Higgs Sector, April 10, 2014 ``Searches for low-mass (pseudo) scalars"
USCMS, Granlibakken, July 7, 2014 ``Physics (and CMS) at the Crossroads"
Pheno 2014, May 6, 2014 ``News for Two-Higgs-Doublet Models"
SUSY 2014, June 22, 2014 ``Two-Higgs-Doublet Model Phenomenology after LHC
Run 1"
UCSB, November 25, 2014 ``Beyond the SM Higgs
a crucial aspect of the cross roads"
UCD, February 9, 2015 ``Early Run 2: h --> AA Remarks:
Searching for a BSM direction"
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, April 21, 2015 ``Light Higgs Bosons
and the cross roads"
Scalars 2015, December 5, 2015 ``The Alignment Limit and Light Higgs Bosons: constraints and prospects"
CMS EXO group talk, March 22, 2016 `Radion Model for the Di-photon
Signal at 750 GeV"
KITP conference on Experimental Challenges for the LHC Run II, April 19, 2016 `Remarks on Two-Higgs-Doublet Models"
KITP conference on Experimental Challenges for the LHC Run II, April 19, 2016,
`Radion Model for the Di-photon Signal at 750 GeV"
KITP conference on Experimental Challenges for the LHC Run II, April 25, 2016,
`MSSM extensions (NMSSM) and Status of and ideas
for Higgs sector searches"
SUSY-2016, Melbourne Australia, July 5, 2016,
`Radion Model for the Di-photon Signal at 750 GeV"
- Phenomenological MSSM interpretation of CMS searches in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV: arXiv:1606.03577
- Higgs-Radion Interpretation of the 750 GeV di-photon excess: arXiv:1512.05771
Scrutinizing the Alignment Limit in Two-Higgs-Doublet Models. Part 2: mH=125 GeV: arXiv:1511.03682
Search for a low-mass pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with a b-bbar pair in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV: arXiv:1511.03610
- Isospin-violating dark-matter-nucleon scattering via 2-Higgs-doublet-model portals: arXiv:1510.07053
- Higgs Dark Matter from a Warped Extra Dimension: arXiv:1510.05722
Radius stabilization and dark matter with a bulk Higgs in warped extra dimension: arXiv:1510.04116
- Scrutinizing the alignment limit in two-Higgs-doublet models: mh=125 GeV: arXiv:1507.00933
- Dark Matter Benchmark Models for Early LHC Run-2 Searches: Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter Forum: arXiv:1507.00966
Higgs dark matter from a warped extra dimension --- the truncated-inert-doublet model: arXiv:1504.03706
Light Higgs bosons in Two-Higgs-Doublet Models: arXiv:1412.3385
The Wrong Sign limit in the 2HDM: arXiv:1410.1926
Addendum to Constraints on and future prospects for Two-Higgs-Doublet Models in light of the LHC Higgs signal: arXiv:1409.4088
Extending two-Higgs-doublet models by a singlet scalar field - the Case for Dark Matter: arXiv:1408.2106
The CP-conserving 2HDM after the 8 TeV run : arXiv:1407.4396
Constraints on and future prospects for Two-Higgs-Doublet Models in light of the LHC Higgs signal: arXiv:1405.3584
Les Houches 2013: Physics at TeV Colliders: New Physics Working Group Report : arXiv:1405.1617
- Probing wrong-sign Yukawa couplings at the LHC and a future linear collider: arXiv:1403.4736
The phenomenological MSSM in view of the 125 GeV Higgs data: arXiv:1312.7027
2HDM and Enhanced Rates in $\gamma\gamma$ Channel
Muon Collider Higgs Factory for Snowmass 2013
The Case for a Muon Collider Higgs Factory
On the presentation of the LHC Higgs Results
Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001 - Part 3: Studies of Exotic and Standard Model Physics
Global fit to Higgs signal strengths and couplings and implications for extended Higgs sectors
Helmholtz Alliance Linear Collider Forum : Proceedings of the Workshops Hamburg, Munich, Hamburg 2010-2012, Germany
A New Boson with a mass of 125-GeV observed with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider: Science 338 (2012) 1569-15754
Status of invisible Higgs decays: arXiv:1302.5694
Higgs Couplings at the End of 2012: arXiv:1212.5244
Two-Higgs-Doublet Models and Enhanced Rates for a 125 GeV Higgs: arXiv:1211.3580
Higgs Bosons at 98 and 125 GeV at LEP and the LHC: arXiv:1210.1976
Two Higgs Bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC?: arXiv1208.4952
Diagnosing Degenerate Higgs Bosons at 125 GeV: arXiv1208.1817
Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC: arXiv:1207.7235
Could two NMSSM Higgs bosons be present near 125 GeV: arXiv:1207.1545
Search for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson in the dimuon decay channel in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV: arXiv:1206.6326
Searches for New Physics: Les Houches Recommendations for the Presentation of LHC Results : arXiv:1203.2489
Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report : arXiv:1203.1488
Higgs-Radion Interpretation of the LHC data? : arXiv:1202.5017
The Constrained NMSSM and Higgs near 125 GeV : arXiv:1201.0982
Benchmark Models, Planes, Lines and Points for Future SUSY Searches at the LHC: arXiv:1109.3859
A two-Higgs-doublet interpretation of a small Tevatron $Wjj$ excess: arXiv:1106.3308
Ruling out a 4th generation using limits on hadron collider Higgs signals: arXiv:1105.3965
Simplified Models for LHC New Physics Searches: arXiv:1105.2838
Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Model Higgs Scenarios for Partially Universal GUT Scale Boundary Conditions: arXiv:1105.1195
The Higgs Sector and CoGeNT/DAMA-Like Dark Matter in Supersymmetric Models: arXiv:l010.1789
CoGeNT, DAMA, and Neutralino Dark Matter in the Next-To-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: arXiv:l009.2555
CoGeNT, DAMA, and Light Neutralino Dark Matter: arXiv:l009.0549
New constraints on a
light CP-odd Higgs boson and related NMSSM Ideal Higgs
Scenarios: arXiv:l002.1971
Direct Production of a light CP-odd Higgs boson at the Tevatron and LHC: arXiv:0911.2460
The Elusive Higgs Boson(s): published in IJMPA, Vol. 25, No. 22,
September 10, 2010,
p. 4163
Accurate Mass Determinations in Decay Chains with Missing Energy: II: arXiv:0905.1344
Higgs bosons in the NMSSM and its U(1) extensions: AIP Conf.Proc.1078:42-48,2009
Invisible Higgs Decays from Higgs Graviscalar Mixing: arXiv:0902.1512
Many Light Higgs Bosons in the NMSSM: arXiv:0811.3537
A light CP-odd Higgs boson and the muon anomalous magnetic moment: arXiv:0808.2509
The FP420 R&D Project: Higgs and New Physics with forward protons at
the LHC: 0806.0302
New (and Old) Perspectives on Higgs Physics: arXiv:0804.4460
Accurate Mass Determinations in Decay Chains with Missing Energy: arXiv:0802.4290
Nonstandard Higgs Boson Decays: arXiv:0801.4554
Reinstating the 'no-lose' theorem for NMSSM Higgs Discovery at the LHC: arXiv:0712.3510
ILC Reference Design Report Volume 4 - Detectors: arXiv:0712.2356
ILC Reference Design Report: ILC Global Design Effort and World Wide
Study: arXiv:0712.1950
KK gravitons and unitarity violation in the Randall-Sundrum model.
CMS technical design report, volume II: Physics performance: J.Phys.G34:995-1579,2007.
Higgs-boson mass limit within the Randall-Sundrum model: arXiv:0709.3726
A Comparison of Mixed-Higgs Scenarios In the NMSSM and the MSSM: hep-ph/0709.2269
International Linear Collider Reference Design Report Volume 2: PHYSICS
AT THE ILC: arXiv:0709.1893
Mass determination in SUSY-like events with missing energy: hep-ph/0707.0030
CMS expression of interest in the SLHC: CERN-LHCC-2007-014
CMS physics technical design report: Addendum on high density QCD
with heavy ions: J.Phys.G34:2307-2455,2007
The NMSSM Solution to the Fine-Tuning Problem, Precision Electroweak Constraints and the Largest LEP Higgs Event Excess: hep-ph/0705.4387
Probing NMSSM Scenarios with Minimal Fine-Tuning by Searching for Decays
of the Upsilon to a Light CP-Odd Higgs Boson: hep-ph/0612031
Naturalness of EWSB in NMSSM and Higgs at 100-GeV: hep-ph/0611197
The NMSSM Close to the R-symmetry Limit and Naturalness in h --> aa Decays for m_a<2 m_b: hep-ph/0611142
The Invisible Higgs Decay Width in the ADD Model at the ILC:
Proceedings of 2005 International Linear Collider workshop,
Stanford, March 2005, pp 0309, LCWS-2005-0309
CERN Report on CP Studies and Non-Standard Higgs Physics: hep-ph/0608079
The EPP questions: Response from the LHC/ILC Study Group.
Unitarity in the Presence of Warped Geometries: Acta
Parameter Analysis: SPA Convention and Project: hep-ph/0511344.
Toward High
Precision Higgs-Boson Measurements at the International
Linear e^+e^- Collider: hep-ph/0511332.
Consistency of
LEP Event Excesses with an h->aa Decay Scenario
and Low-Fine-Tuning NMSSM Models: hep-ph/0510322.
Light Neutralino
Dark Matter in the NMSSM: hep-ph/0509024.
K. Ackermann et al.. DESY-PROC-2004-01, DESY-04-123, DESY-04-123G, Mar 2004. 140pp.
Prepared for 4th ECFA / DESY Workshop on Physics and Detectors for a
90-GeV to 800-GeV Linear e+ e- Collider, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 1-4 Apr 2003.
Conditions for CP-violation in the General Two-Higgs-Doublet Model: hep-ph/0506227.
Difficult Scenarios for NMSSM Higgs Discovery at
the LHC: hep-ph/0503203.
Proceedings of the "Extended Joint ECFA/DESY Study on Physics
and Detector for a Linear e+e- Collider"
Escaping the Large Fine Tuning and Little Hierarchy Problems
in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Model and H->AA Decays:
The Need For A Photon-Photon Collider In Addition To LHC & ILC For Unraveling The Scalar Sector Of The Randall-Sundrum Model.
Physics Interplay of the LHC and the ILC
NMSSM Higgs Detection: LHC. LC, Gamma Collider Complementarity and Higgs-to-Higgs Decays
NMHDECAY: A Fortran Code for the Higgs Masses, Couplings
and Decay Widths in the NMSSM
The Invisible Higgs Decay Width in the ADD Model at the LHC
NMSSM Higgs Discovery at the LHC
Precision electroweak data and the mixed radion-Higgs sector
of warped extra dimensions
Complementarity of a low-energy photon collider and LHC
Towards a no lose theorem for NMSSM Higgs discovery
at the LHC
On the complementarity of Higgs and radion searches at the LHC
Bulk scalar stabilization of the radion without metric back-reaction in
the Randall-Sundrum model
e^+e^- --> nu anti-nu A in the Two Higgs Doublet Model
Higgs Physics at the Linear Collider
Determing tan(beta) with Neutral and Charged Higgs Bosons at a e+e-
Linear Collider
Extended Higgs Sectors
Overview of tan(beta) Determination at a Linear e+e- Collider
New Results for a Photon-Photon Collider
Status of Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Research and Development
and Future Plans
The CP-Conserving Two Higgs Doublet Model: The Approach to the Decoupling
Higgs Boson Interactions within the Randall-Sundrum Model
The Scalar Sector of the Randall-Sundrum Model
Unique physics probes using e- e-, e- gamma and gamma gamma
(Summary talk for the Proceedings of e- e- 01)
The Beyond the Standard Model Working Group: Summary Report
(In the Proceedings of Snowmass 2001)
The Precision of Higgs Boson Measurements and their Implications
(In the Proceedings of Snowmass 2001)
The Snowmass Points and Slopes: Benchmarks for SUSY Searches
(In the Proceedings of Snowmass 2001)
Higgs Sectors in which the only light Higgs boson is CP-odd and Linear
Collider strategies for its discovery
(In the Proceedings of Snowmass 2001)
Determination of tan(beta) at a future e+e- Linear Collider
(In the Proceedings of Snowmass 2001)
The Degenerate Wino-Like Chargino/Neutralino Scenario at a Linear Collider
Photon-Photon and Electron-Photon Colliders with Energies below a TEV
Establishing a No-Lose Theorem for NMSSM Higgs Boson Discovery at the
Phenomenology of Generalized Higgs Boson Scenarios
Physics of Higgs Factories
Detecting and Studying Higgs Bosons in Two-Photon Collisions
at a Linear Collider
Linear Collider
Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001
Hunting the Higgs Boson(s)
Physics at an e+e- Linear Collider
Probing Models with Near Degeneracy of the Chargino and LSP at a Linear e+e- Collider
Do precision electroweak constraints guarantee e+ e- collider discovery of at least one Higgs boson of a type II two Higgs doublet
Do Precision Electroweak
Constraints Guarantee e^+e^- Collider Discovery of at least one Higgs Boson
of a Two-Higgs-Doublet Model?
Feasibility Study of a Neutrino Source Based on a Muon Storage Ring
How Valuable is Polarization
at a Muon Collider? A Test Case: Determining the CP Nature of a Higgs Boson
Higher Twist Contributions
to R Hadron Phenomenology in the Light Gluino Scenario
Search Strategies for
Non-Standard Higgs Bosons at Future e^+e^- Colliders
Kaluza-Klein Excitations
and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
A study of SUSY signatures
at the Tevatron in models with near mass degeneracy of the lightest chargino
and neutralino
Analysis of Narrow s-channel
Resonances at Lepton Colliders
A New Technique for Determining
the Properties of a Narrow $s$-channel Resonance at a Muon Collider
Finding the CP-Violating
Higgs Bosons at e^+e^- Colliders
Selected Low-Energy Supersymmetry
Phenomenology Topics
Detecting and Studying
the Lightest Pseudo-Goldstone Boson at Future $pp$, $e^+e^-$ and $\mu^+\mu^-$
Solutions and
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9HD: Electricity and Magnetism,
9D: Modern Physics,
Course Outline
and General Information for 9D-A, Spring 2005. (PDF version)
Laptop Notes for 9D-A, Spring 2005,
Part 1 (Chapters 1 through 3) in PDF format.
Laptop Notes for 9D-A, Spring 2005,
Part 2 (Chapters 4 through 7) in PDF format.
Laptop Notes for 9D-A, Spring 2005,
Part 3 (Chapters 8 and 9) in PDF format.
Laptop Notes for 9D-A, Spring 2005,
Part 4 (Chapters 13, 14 and 15) in PDF format.
250: Dark Matter / Supersymmetry / Higgs Bosons and Cosmology
AB: Quantum Field Theory and 230C: Renormalization
246: Supersymmetry
250: The Higgs Boson
Copyright John F. Gunion, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
All federal and state copyrights reserved
for all original material presented in these courses
through any medium, including lecture or print.